Curriculum development has a broad scope because it is not only about the school, the learners and the teachers but also about the development of society in general.
The core values of Our School Curriculum become all the more relevant, by keeping pace with the 21st century and the global trends of educational transformations, as well as keeping in view that India is an independent nation with a rich history, extraordinarily complex cultural diversity, and commitment to democratic values and general well-being.
One of the basic aims of education is to nurture a sound mind and strong values-driven character in the learner.
We realise that a single method cannot suit everyone. Our teachers select the best combination of various approaches according to the learning styles and needs of their students. Our differentiated pedagogy includes applying the latest teaching methodologies to effectively deliver the curriculum and create an ideal environment for learning.
The environment is stress-free with continual appraisal based on observation, oral and written assignments. It provides a learning environment in which all the students are responsive to change and receptive to new ideas. They become passionate about learning and become lifelong learners.
Academic Curriculum Details
1. Our school follows the CBSE curriculum.
2. Please refer to the official website &
3. As per the instructions, we follow the NCERT books as prescribed by the CBSE.
4. Kindly refer to Uniform System of Assessment, Examination and Report Card for Classes VI-IX from Academic Year 2018-19 on wards mentioned in the school diary as well as on the CBSE website.
5. Syllabus: